The kids sang songs. Sorry, I don't have any pictures I was filming for Meggo...maybe she'll share later.
They also recited John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

A beautiful table was set for the "feast"

And, yes, there were eggs

Some really cute eggs

And when you hide have to have someone who is willing to find them

Quick lil thang

The hunt

EG and L stopped smack dab in the middle of the hunt to show each other what they'd found

Visiting when they were done

And making a surprise visit....
Meggo and Lil T

Off to A's party....
These beautiful young ladies are Miss Allison and Miss Carole. They are the two class mom's who are always there when we have events at the school. Wonderful ladies!

And Miss Allison was kind enough to snap a shot of me. Thank you Miss Allison :)

Here they come...

Having a little lunch before the big hunt.

Getting the hunting instructions

And they're off

EG even got to hunt

Golden egg :)

Hanging out after the hunt.

More hanging out...

The rest of these pictures are random shots I took around the yard today. The hummingbird flew up while I was watering. I was afraid to move too much and scare him away so I only had one hand available to take the picture and couldn't zoom in. But I got him!

Silly Tory.

Sunning Shelby.

OMG Fat arm. Thats all I see.