I grew up with a gardening, pickling, canning kind of mom. You would think that would make me a natural for following in her footsteps. I have to admit that I have never canned or pickled anything in my life...before today. I decided (with the help of the Pioneer Woman) to make strawberry jam with the girls. It was more fun than I could have imagined!
EG and I ventured out after she got out of school and picked these...

Of course removing the caps was all me :/

It seemed to take forever but I finally achieved this

We took a strawberry break and ran to pick Abigail up from school. It didn't take long before the girls were in full speed! They mashed...

And mashed

And mashed some more

Ahhh, done.

All measured out

Add a bit of lemon juice (please forgive the strawberry stained fingernails...I've been at this for two days :p)

EG helped squeeze

And pour it in

A bit of pectin

And 1/2 a pat of butter. The Pioneer Woman says it helps reduce the foam...

With all of the ingredients in the dutch oven Abigail ran off to make labels :)

Then it was time for homework

EG pinned on her cat tail and put on her ears and headed for the hammock

I manned the berries

Finally it was time! Out with the jars, one by one.


There it is!

Don't ask....

9 jars of wonderful yummyness

On toast


The symphony of popping jars was wonderful! We can't wait for the peach and blueberry seasons!

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