We started with the corn maze...

Off they go!

EG thought we were lost...just look at that face!

Dad came in and saved the day. She felt much better with dad near by.

Then it was off to the hay ride.

Off they go again....that's right, EG is barefoot.

The perfect pumpkin.

Load it up.


I love that they have the sunflower field too. We took home a huge bunch!

With pumpkins and sunflowers in tow we headed back.

Deep in thought...or hot and tired?

We enjoyed a picnic lunch.

I don't think honey wanted his picture taken.

Nope. He didn't. :-)

We stopped by the petting zoo after lunch.

These were the "lickinest" goats I've ever seen. EG thought it was great!

One last stop at the farmers market before heading home.

Looks like you all had a great time. I love EG's face in the corn maze!! Priceless! And ahh for daddy saving the day.... :)