The girls have been sooooo ready to color Easter eggs...every day "Can we color eggs today, pleeeeeaaaassseeee"? Boy were they happy when they finally got that "Yes" today.
Wait for it.....

So happy!

Giving a little sisterly advice. Look at EG listening intently.

Getting creative.

Note the hands. They still looked like that at bedtime.

Yay eggs!

We also attended an Easter egg hunt hosted by Brian's battalion. They always do such a nice job putting on events for families. The BC's wife stuffed 1600 eggs...she wanted to make sure everyone walked away with something.
Ready, set, GO!

They gathered 47 eggs total!

A quick look...

I even got them to sit still long enough to get a picture with me!

Abigail continued taking inventory.

EG and dad took off....EG HAD to bounce.

I scampered off to watch a Killdeer put on a show. She flopped and squaked...she made quite the ruckus.

It took me a minute to find it...I knew it was nearby.

True to form she lay her eggs in a high traffic area. My darling hubby put a circle of pinecones around them to keep them safe. I love that he appreciates my sometimes crazy love of nature.
Happy Easter!