This is Katie.

And Kayla (you may recognize this doll face from A's bday party)

And here's our little darling telling a parent all about her project. So confident :)

Anna! She took 3rd place overall....YAY ANNA!

After the Science Fair we visited the book fair where we bought some pretty cool books. Then we checked A out and ran off to lunch. After lunch we (me and A) headed to EEEC to visit/volunteer in EG's class. I was thrilled when Mrs Curry (EG's teacher) asked A to do an art lesson for the class.
Drawing a turkey.

She's got their full attention :)

"OK now you draw..."

Back to their seats to color. A offers a little more instruction. This kid may grow up to be a teacher.

During A's visit Mrs Curry asked if she would mind doing some reading with the students who leave a little later than others after school. A was thrilled to help. Looks like we've found her community service project for the Jr Beta National Club....
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