I can't believe I haven't taken the time to sit down and post an Alley Bammy Family update since the girls went back to school. We have been getting used to our new routines and the excitement and challenges that come with them...and of course having a little fun too.
EG has made friends with our neighbors son, Cole. He is a big football fan so when EG asked if she could play ball with him, he was more than happy to show her how to throw a football.
Here he is showing her how to hold the ball.

Bring your arm back....

And now forward....

Turns out she has a pretty good arm ;-)

Fall is a busy, busy time around here. Festivals, pumpkin patch, birthdays, Halloween. First stop, Aplin Farms.
We love this place. We've gone every year since we moved to Enterprise. This year they added a number of new attractions. They have a petting zoo, train ride, hay ride, bouncers, corn maze, farmers market and more.
I love these hay animals. The kids aren't half bad either.

My favorite this year...

Duck race

And they were serious...

With hay animals, bouncers, petting zoo and duck races behind us we went for pumpkins.

And sunflowers

Love this

With the pumpkin patch behind us, we begin the birthday celebrations. Brian had his birthday and managed to escape my camera. Happy Birthday, Honey. :)
Abigail was up next. She turned 11 this year. Brian took her and her 3 best friends on post to fly the Blackhawk simulators. He was kind enough to take these pics and send them to me :)

After flying over each of their houses and crashing a few times he brought them home for dinner and some cake.

"Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu"

Ah yes, and the gifts. She got the DSI she's been beggggggging for.

The Enterprise Fall Festival was the same weekend as Abigail's bday party. We kept Anna and headed downtown. I was too busy having fun to get many pictures but I did manage to get a few of this event....
Anna Loading up

A loading up

Anna thought the leaf blower filling the balls with air was tooooo loud.

But well worth it.

They had a blast!

EG came down from the bouncer long enough for one picture.

The Enterprise Fall Festival wasn't the only festival we went to this year. Halloween day we headed to Dothan for the Peanut Festival.
With tickets in hand we went straight for the "Fun Slide"


Who knew EG wouldn't think it was fun and dad would have to come to the rescue. He really had to do some talking to get her to slide.

She does NOT look happy.

Poor thing was traumatized.

But only for a second!

Much better.

The daredevil rides were reserved for Abigail.


They did find one ride they both enjoyed.


But I think the highlight of their day was dad playing the balloon/dart game and winning his girls the prizes they just couldn't leave without.

Just look at them :)

EG and Dad while A was on some crazy dangerous ride.

"Dad take a picture with me and Mom"

And our last stop, Halloween. Trick-or-treat!

Abigail and once tiny Timmy relaxing before we headed out.

Here he is learning what this whole Halloween, trick-or-treating thing is all about.

Whew! There you have it. An Alley Bammy Family update.