Who knew an electric pencil sharpener could bring so much joy

EG has been asking for flippers ForEver!

From Aunt Kathy :)

Ahhhh yes! The wonderful gift of Cactus Syrup from GranMom and PaPaw. She was soooo happy to see that the empty bottle in the refrigerator could be replaced with a brand new bottle.

EG Loves Barbie and the Three Musketeers.

I mean LOVES

G-Pa sent the girls Oregon sweatshirts and the cuuuuuteeest hats.

EG loved the hat so much it didn't leave her head for most of the day.

Did I mention how cute the hats were?

This was a big one for EG. GranMom and PaPaw sent her an American Girl doll. She has named her Lola Elizabeth Wilkins and doesn't go anywhere without her.

What's this, she wonders.....

Abigail's American Girl doll got a new bed. A sweet new bed with a bedside table and little lamp. Very nice. Once set up in her room her cat Mittens took it over. Oh well...

It was a great and very Merry Christmas!
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