Our hostess, Miss April and the lovely Ashlyn.

Our host, Mr Pete.

And the handsome Preston. He was all sugared out :)

Abigail and I were on "Santa Chef Hat" duty.

Once the hats were done, Abigail was off to help mix up the frosting for the cookies.

Three of the chefs :)

Let the decorating begin!

A sassy Miss Megan supervising

Look mom!

The finished product.

EG had to sample...had to be sure they were tasty.

Thank you Dean Family, we had a blast!
Sunday morning we hit the road at 730. We were headed to Montgomery for the National Guard family day/Christmas celebration. Mrs Parker (Abigail's teacher) and her two little girls rode with us. It was a fun ride listening to the girls chatting and getting to know each other.
This is Miss Jaycee. Soooo sassy!

This is Miss Rhylee. Not so sassy.

The girls hit the arts and crafts table right away. I took pictures and let Mrs Parker help them with the glitter gluey projects :)


Another tree

Arts and crafts were fun but the girls really enjoyed climbing all over the Blackhawks.
EG was all over it!

So was Miss Abigail!

The three of them ready for take off.

Little Miss Sassy Pants was sure she was gonna get that thing started and take off. She actually had pilots briefing her on the equipment...and she WAS listening! I'm certain she would have fired it up if she could have found a key!

We can't forget about Santa.
EG wasn't too sure so Abigail carried her over.

Then she was talking Non-stop!

And Abigail turned into the kid who didn't want her picture taken.

Merry Christmas!

I love the helicopter decoration! A great post as always!