We visited Wakulla Springs. What a neat place. We went to the top of the diving platform and saw four Manatee swimming around.

This was the best shot I could get....sorry!

And Cypress knees....I'd never seen them before.

Elizabeth decided she loved the Cypress knees.

Both girls liked the vines in the trees.

Judy tried really hard to avoid the camera....but here she is!

Here's a rare shot for you...all four of us together!

OK so in addition to being really beautiful Wakulla springs is also the filming location for some movies beginning in the 1930's with the last one in 1976.
I got pictures of a couple of the posters they had up....
Yep, Tarzan. This one and Tarzan's New York Adventure.

And my personal favorite....

The actor who was supposed to play the creature took one look at the water, manatee and crocs and left. The movie producers ended up hiring a local life guard to play the part.
Looks like great fun! Judy is exactly how i pictured her and i love the pic of the four of you.