This shot reminds me of the opening scene in Monster's Inc.

You know, this one.

And a win for the red team!

We took a break in between games for lunch and a little playtime.
Elizabeth and Layla had a blast on the bleachers.

Abigail showed us how to hit the ball with our heads. Ouch!

Then she rested.

Layla wanted more.

Elizabeth did too.

Fine. We'll rest.

I love the star in this one.

After an all too brief rest it was on to the blue team. These girls were serious! With a score of 3 to 2 we eeked out a win.

The celebration...
Half of the red team collapsed when it was over.

Congratulations! Good game!

Yay trophies!

Add the parents and siblings...

She is really proud!

We Love the Red team!Go Abigail! Yeah Monster's Inc.