On the menu....

She and her youngins came over around 1:00. The kids scattered and she and I got to work.
Gathered some of our ingredients.

Got the husks soaking.

What would tamales be without...

Let's get this party started.

Add some fresh corn.

Sometimes this is the only way.

Then the real work began.

We did this for a while.

It was so worth it.

Not so long that I wasn't able to talk her into this.

Her forte not mine ;0)

Her tortillas were the hit of the meal.

Add some avocado, rice and beans and let the feast begin!

Today was so much fun. A full house and a wonderful meal...I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you Melissa!
That is a process for sure! But it looks like they're worth the wait! I'll have to try this soon.