Abigail really enjoyed her trip with GranMom to the barrier islands off the Georgia coast.
She is my co-author today. We are taking excerpts from the journal she wrote in daily while on her trip.
"We got to the island today, it took us 6 hours to get here. It was exhausting. When got checked in, we unpacked and went swimming. Then we went to dinner and when we came back I actually found out that one of my friends was in the room next door. It was an exciting day."
Here she is upon arrival.

This picture was taken at site of the town of Frederica, built by General Oglethorpe as an outpost against the Spaniards in Florida. She was proud to announce that the wall was not made of concrete, it was made of Tabby. Tabby is a mixture of water, lime, sand, and oyster shells.

The entire town was destroyed with the exception of the building seen behind her in this picture.

They spent a day at the Sea Turtle Center where they take care of injured sea turtles.
"There were a few sea turtles with cracks in their shells. There was one that has lost a leg, but she was still able to swim around. Three turtles were being let go the day after our trip ended."

"We went on a shrimp boat. We caught fish of all kinds, crab, eels, puffer fish, jelly fish, shrimp, and if you can believe it at least 5 sharks at once!"

Pretty bird.

Oh and they also caught stingrays....

They visited the St. Simmons Lighthouse. This one...

It was haunted by a ghost named Frederick. There were lots of ghost stories....
The last morning of the trip they had a group come in and show some reptiles. There were a couple of snakes, a couple of turtles, and an alligator.
Who wants to hold a snake....

I think she really enjoyed this part.

GranMom and Abigail

A couple of picture from the morning GranMom and PaPaw left to return to Oregon.
EG really enjoyed her alone time with PaPaw.

Three generations.