What a great place this is! We've stopped in a time or two over the last couple of years but I had no idea how big this place really is. Thanks to a strawberry picking field trip with
EG's school I came out of there with a new favorite place for produce.
Several acres of fresh fruits and veggies. They grow peaches, satsumas, squash, onions, potatoes, and of course strawberries just to name a few. They also do cakes, pies, chicken salad and homemade ice cream...chocolate, vanilla, peach, strawberry and blueberry...and it is GOOD!

I love this...the honor system.
Ahhhh a wonderful place. We will be getting all our fresh produce here from now on...well all the stuff we don't grow in our garden that is.

The girls were ready to get started!

Filling those buckets. Well Layla was anyway. Get a look at the expression on
EG's face. She makes me smile.

Layla really liked this particular strawberry....it was a funny shape.
EG did some picking for the bucket....and a little for herself. (pesticide free folks)

A few more for herself...
Mmmmmm, juicy.

With full buckets in tow we headed back to the main building to pay for our haul...and get some of that wonderful homemade ice cream.
EG was tired.

This is Wes.

And his twin brother, Wyatt.

A really great group of kids. :)

For those of you who live locally you can (and should) visit this place. Country Best Farm is located at 1711
Moates Rd. Enterprise, AL 36330 (334) 393-7224. It's just a couple miles off the circle headed toward New
Brockton on hwy 84.