Today the girls and I went to Alek's 2nd birthday party. Staying with the pirate theme, red and black were the colors of the day.

Melissa did a great job with the cake. Her husband usually makes them but she was on her own for this one.
Fabulous job!

Alek was sleeping when the party started. Mom got him up...before he was ready.

It wasn't long before he was up and about enjoying the party.

Melissa's husband, Ben, has been in Iraq for the last 8 months. Today is a special celebration, not just for little Alek, but Ben is supposed to make it home in time for the birthday party.
Melissa had signage for both her boys.

The party was in full swing when she got the call to head out and pick Ben up.

She and Megan crept out the back door to pick him up so Lacie and Alek wouldn't know what was going on.
Really sneaky.

Mom "letting the kids answer the door"

No need for words....

They were sooooo happy to have daddy home. Look at that smile on Lacies face.




"Here honey, hold this string and stand on this chair"....

A wonderful celebration....thanks MW! We had a blast! And welcome home Ben!